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31 Oktober 2014


Countable nouns adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung, yang dapat menunjukkan kuantitas atau jumlah, contohnya kata benda pen dapat dihitung one, two, atau three pens.

Contoh kata benda yang dapat dihitung: cat, dog, man, baby, person, animal, bottle, box, coin, cup, plate, table, chair, bag, glass, book, house, etc. Benda-benda yang ada di sekitar kita umumnya adalah benda yang dapat dihitung.

Contoh countable nouns dalam kalimat:
- We could see a ship in the distance.- I have to brothers, John and Mark.
- I've got a problem with the car.
- Do you like these photos?
- I'm going out for five minutes.

Uncountable nouns (disebut juga mass nouns) adalah kebalikan dari countable nouns, yaitu kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung, contohnya kata benda water. Kata benda tersebut tidak bisa dikatakan a water atau two water, tetapi lebih tepat digunakan bersama dengan kata benda lainnya yang dapat dihitung, misalnya a glass of wateratau two glass of water.

Contoh kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung: sand, air, rice, sugar, cheese, tea, coffee, advice, assistance, fun, money, music, art, love, etc.

Contoh uncountable nouns dalam kalimat:
- Can I have some water?- Shall we sit on the grass?
- The money is much better in my new job.
- I love music.
- Would you like some coffee?

Perhatikan beberapa catatan mengenai countable dan uncountable nouns di bawah ini.

Much dan many yang sama-sama berarti banyak, biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan jumlah pada countable dan uncountable nounsMany digunakan untuk countable nouns dan terletak mendahuluinya, sedangkan much digunakan untuk uncountable nouns.

- How many years have you lived in Surabaya?- She didn’t have much fun at the Tunjungan Plaza.
- I haven't got many pens.
- I haven't got much rice.

Number dan amount mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu jumlah atau sejumlah. Numberdigunakan untuk countable nouns, sedangkan amount untuk uncountable nouns.

- My teacher gives me a large number of assignments.- My teacher gives me a large amount of homework.
- We have been friends for a number of years.
-They give us an amount of money.

Few dan little mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu sedikit. Few digunakan untukcountable nouns, sedangkan little digunakan untuk uncountable nouns.

- The party has attended by a few men.- There is only a little milk on the table.
- I've got a few dollars.
- I've got a little money.
Few people understand the difference.

Fewer dan less mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu sedikit. Fewer digunakan untukcountable nouns, sedangkan less digunakan untuk uncountable nouns.

- This kind of job will give you fewer dollars.- He pays me less money than I thought.
Fewer birds came this year.
- Doctors recommend eating less salt.

Some dan any mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu beberapa, biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan jumlah tak tentu pada countable nouns (plural) atau uncountable nouns.

- I've got some money.- Have you got any rice?
- I've got some dollars.
- Have you got any pens?

Countable nouns dapat berbentuk singular maupun plural.
- My cat is playing.- My cats are hungry.

Countable nouns yang singular dapat didahului dengan kata this, that, every, each, either, dan neither, sedangkan yang plural biasanya didahului kata these, those, some, any, enough, dan zero article. Lihat juga catatan dan contoh di atas.

Umumnya, uncountable nouns tidak dapat dibuat menjadi plural, kecuali jika disertai oleh jenis kata lainnya.
- There are new wines being introduced every day.- The waters of the Atlantic are much warmer this time of year.
- The Dutch are famous for their cheeses.

Countable nouns dapat diawali oleh a, an (indefinite article) untuk singular dan the(definite article) untuk singular maupun plural.

Jika countable nouns berbentuk singular, maka penggunaan kata seperti a, an, the, my, this, dsb. harus digunakan.
- I want an orange. (tidak bisa dikatakan I want orange.)
- Where is my bottle? (tidak bisa dikatakan Where is bottle?)

Tetapi, jika countable nouns berbentuk plural, maka kata benda itu dapat berdiri sendiri:
- I like oranges.- Bottles can break.

Terkadang uncountable nouns diperlakukan singular yang akhirnya juga menggunakan verba singular.
This news is very important.- Your luggage looks heavy.

Indefinite article a, an tidak umum dipakai pada uncountable nouns.
a piece of news (bukan a news)a bottle of water (bukan a water)
a grain of rice (bukan a rice)

Jadi, harus diberi kata keterangan di depannya. Perhatikan contoh lainnya berikut ini.
- There has been a lot of research into the causes of this disease.
- He gave me a great deal of advice before my interview.
- They've got a lot of furniture.
- Can you give me some information about uncountable nouns?

Uncountable nouns juga sering digunakan tanpa article (zero article)
- Poetry is beautiful.- Sugar is sweet.
- Experience is the best teacher.

Uncountable nouns dapat didahului dengan kata some, any, enough, this, that, danmuch. Dan karena bukan countable nouns maka tidak dapat didahului dengan katathese, those, every, each, either, and neither. Lihat lagi catatan dan contoh di atas.

Merupakan hal yang penting untuk mengetahui apakah suatu kata benda itu termasuk dalam countable nouns atau uncountable nouns. Hal ini akan memudahkan kita untuk mengenali jenis kata apa saja yang dapat diletakkan di sekitarnya.

Pengertian, Bentuk, Penggunaan, Susunan dan Contoh Gerund

Hai sobat... semangat belajar bahasa Inggris lagi yukkk... Hari ini kita akan belajar tentang Pengertian, Bentuk, Penggunaan, Susunan dan Contoh Gerund. Ayo siapa siapa yang masih ingat dengan Gerund? siapa yang masing ingat dengan kata kerja yang berakhiran -ing? Ok, kita bahas ya...

A. Pengertian 
Gerund adalah kata benda yang dibentuk dari penambahan akhiran -ing pada kata kerja. 
Contoh : 
- buy  ---> buying
- read ---> reading
- teach---> teaching
- play  ---> playing
- learn ---> learning

B. Penggunaan
1. Subjek
    Gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek pada sebuah kalimat.
    Contoh :
    - Dancing is my hobby.
      (Menari adalah hobi saya.)
    - Playing football is my favorite sport.
      (Bermain sepak bola adalah olahraga favorit saya.)

2. Objek
    Gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai objek dari kata kerja transitif dalam suatu kalimat.
    Contoh :
    - I like reading.
      (Saya suka membaca.)
    - They practice speaking English.
      (Mereka mempraktikan berbicara bahas Inggris.)

3. Objek Preposisi
    Gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai objek yang hadir setelah preposisi.
    Contoh :
    - They are thinking of going home late.
      (Mereka memikirkan pulang termbat ke rumah.)
    - I am tired of waiting.
      (Saya lelah menunggu.)

4. Adjective
   Gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai adjective atau kata sifat yang berfungsi menerangkan suatu kata      benda.
   - He doesn't have a driving licence.
     (Dia tidak memiliki surat izin mengemudi.)
   - She needs a walking stick.
     (Dia memerluakan tongkat untuk berjalan.)

5. Larangan pendek
    Gerund dapat digunakan dalam kalimat larangan pendek.
    Contoh :
    - No smoking.
      (Dilarang merokok.)
    - No fishing.
      (Dilarang memancing.)

    Kalimat yang menggunakan bentuk gerund memiliki beberapa variasi susunan, yaitu :
1. Verb + Gerund
    Pola :
S + V + Gerund
Contoh :
- They avoid discussing too much.
- She enjoys talking about the topic.

2. Adjective + Gerund
    Pola :
S + To Be + Adjective + Gerund

Contoh :
- We are busy finishing the school report.
- The book is worth reading.

3. Preposition + Gerund
    Pola :
S + V + Gerund + to + Gerund

Contoh :
- They prefer dancing to singing.
- He prefers playing badminton to football.

Preposition + Gerund + S + V

Contoh :
- Before watching TV, they have to finish their task.
- After reading the letter, he looked very sad.

4. Prepositional phrase + Gerund
Pola :

S + V + Preposition + Gerund

Contoh :
- They keep on discussing about the problem.
- She is thinking of sending a letter of complaint.

5. Object + Gerund
    Pola :
S + V + O + Gerund

Contoh :
- They don't mind you talking too much.
- She likes her telling the case.

6. Infinitive + Gerund
    Pola :
S + V-inf + Gerund

Contoh :
- They go fishing with their friends.
- He goes climbing the mountain.

D. Daftar Kata Yang Diikuti Gerund.
Tidak semua kata dapat diikuti dengan bentuk gerund. Ada kelompok kata yang diikuti bare infinitive dan ada pula kelompok kata yang diikuti to infinitive. Kelompok kata yang diikuti gerund dapat dilihat dalam daftar berikut :
Kelompok Kata yang Diikuti Gerund

be accustomed to
terbiasa dengan
be used to
terbiasa dengan
can’t help
tidak dapat tahan untuk tidak
can’t stand
tidak dapat bertahan
look forward to
object to
berkeberatan dengan

Demikian Pengertian, Bentuk, Penggunaan, Susunan dan Contoh Gerund, semoga bermanfaat.

Read more:


dalam rangka membangun konsep makna yang tertera dalam teks bahasa
Inggris yang dibaca.
 Pang  dkk  (2003:14)  mengemukakan  bahwa  proses  membangun
makna  berkenaan  dengan  berbagai  kegiatan  membaca  di  antaranya  (1)
menghubungkan antara pengetahuan sebelumnya dan pesan-pesan dalam
teks,  (2)  menemukan  makna  bentuk-bentuk  kebahasaan  yang  ada  dalam
teks  dan  (3)  mengkonstruksi  isi  teks  dalam  rangka  memahami  teks-teks
yang  dibaca.  Dalam  proses  tersebut,  Anda  menggunakan  pengetahuan
sebelumnya  untuk  menemukan  topik,  pokok  pikiran  utama,  organisasi
teks,  bentuk-bentuk  kebahasaan  yang  digunakan  dalam  rangka
menemukan  pesan  atau  makna  intensional  yang  dimiliki  oleh  penulis
(Lenz,  2005:1).  Oleh  karena  itu,  Anda  disarankan  untuk  menggunakan
strategi  membaca  yang  cocok  sesuai  dengan  tujuan  dan  jenis  teks  yang
dibaca (Johnson, 2008: 110).
Merujuk  pada  uraian  tersebut  di  atas,  tulisan  ini  memerikan
berbagai  keterampilan  membaca  yang  Anda  dapat  gunakan  dalam
menyelesaikan  soal-soal  reading  comprehension  dengan  menggunakan
strategi  membaca  yang  mencakup      skimming,  scanning,  word-attack  skills,
vocabulary  building,    interpreting  reference,  recognising  text  organisasion,  and

B.  Strategi  Membaca  dan  Penggunaannya  dalam  Mengerjakan  Soal
  Sebagaimana disampaikan pada sub-sebelumnya,  teknik membaca
atau  strategi  membaca  merupakan  hal  yang  penting  untuk  dipahami
ketika  Anda  mengerjakan  soal-soal  reading  comprehension  karena  dengan
penerapan  strategi  tersebut  Anda  dapat  menjawab  pertanyaan  bacaan
dengan  cepat  dan  akurat.  Berikut  diuraikan  berbagai  strategi  membaca
disertai dengna contoh-contoh penerapannya.

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bagi Mahasiswa UNY pada Tanggal 21 Maret s.d. 21 April 2013

1. Skimming
   Skimming  diartikan  membaca  dengan  cepat  untuk  menentukan
topik atau pokok pikiran dalam bacaan. Dengan menggunakan teknik ini,
Anda dapat memprediksi tujuan penulisan teks, topik bacaan, dan pokok
pikiran utama. Berikut disampaikan contoh penerapan teknik skimming.

(1) What is the topic of the text?    Gold
(2) What is the main idea of the text?  Gold  is  prized  for  two  important

2. Scanning
Scanning merujuk pada membaca dengan cepat untuk menemukan
informasi  faktual  yang  ada  dalam  teks.  Tujuan  dari  teknik  ini  adalah  to
extract  specific  information  without  reading  through  the  whole  text.  Brown
(2007)  menambahkan  bahwa  scanning  berkenaan  dengan  pencarian
informasi  rinci  seperti  nama,  keterangan  tempat,  keterangan  waktu,  kata
kunci,  hal-hal  yang  berkaitan  dengan  angka.  Teknik  ini  dapat  digunakan
untuk  menjawab  pertanyaan  yang  berhubungan  dengan  who,  what,  how
Gold,  a  precious  metal,  is  prized  for  two  important  characteristics.
First  of  all,  gold  has  a  lustrous  beauty  that  is  resistant  to  corrosion.
Therefore,  it  is  suitable  for  jewelry,  coins,  and  ornamental  purposes.
Gold never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. For
example,  a  Macedonian  coins  remains  as  untarnished  to  day  as  the
day  it  was  minted  twenty-three  centuries  ago.  Another  important
characteristic  of  gold  is  usefulness  to  industry  and  science.  For  many
years,  it  has  been  used  in  hundreds  of  industrial  applications.  The
most  recent  use  of  gold  is  in  astronaut's  suits.  Astronauts  wear  gold-plated  heat  shields  for  protection  outside  spaceships.  In  conclusion,
gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility.

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bagi Mahasiswa UNY pada Tanggal 21 Maret s.d. 21 April 2013

long, where, when, how much, how far,  dan sebagainya. Berikut disampaikan
contoh penerapan teknik ini.

Merujuk pada teks tersebut di atas, berikut disampaikan pertanyaan
yang  berkaitan  dengan  informasi  faktual  yang  dapat  didekati  dengan
teknik scanning.

No.  Pertanyaan  Jawaban
01.  Who stopped a ten-ton wagon?  An old aged pensioner
02.  How old was Mrs. Norah Padstow?  She was 83-year old
03.   What was her grandson’s name?   He was Wayne.
04.   What was the name of the driver of the ten-ton
He was Mr Eric Smithson
05.  What did Mrs Padstow tell the reporter?  “I  knew  he  wouldn’t
knock  me  down  if  I  stood
my ground.”

OAP Halts Wagon with Pram

An old aged pensioner managed to stop a ten ton wagon using only a
pram, making the wagon reverse for three quarters of a mile through a

83-year old Mrs Norah Padstow was playing with her grandson, Wayne,
in Jubilee Park, Dudley, last week when she saw a ten-ton wagon
attempting to take a short cut along a pedestrian-only path across the
park. Furious that he was breaking the law and putting children at risk,
she pushed her pram in front of the wagon and refused to move. The
driver, Mr Eric Smithson, argued with her for some time but eventually
had to reverse all the way back to the ring road.

Mrs Padstow told our reporter, “I knew he wouldn’t knock me down if I
stood my ground. Wagon drivers keep using the park as a short cut to
avoid the traffic jams in the town centre but they shouldn’t do it and one
day a child will get hurt!”

Mr Smithson was not available for comment.


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bagi Mahasiswa UNY pada Tanggal 21 Maret s.d. 21 April 2013

3. Word-Attack Skills
Word-attack skills adalah teknik membaca yang berkenaan menerka
kata-kata  sulit  dengan  menggunakan  hubungan  gramatikal  dan
kontekstual. Hubungan gramatikal diartikan sebagai jenis hubungan yang
berkaitan dengan bentuk dan fungsi kata dalam suatu konstruksi tertentu
sedangkan  hubungan  kontekstual  berkenaan  dengan  hubungan  antara
kata tertentu dang kata lain dalam rangkaian makna. Berikut disampaikan
contoh penerapan teknik ini.

1.  fast      3. gaining      5. free
2.  good      4. booked

4. Vocabulary building
Teknik  membaca  ini  berkaitan  dengan  dua  proses  utama  dalam
ranah  morfologi,  yakni  derivasi  dan  infleksi.  Proses  derivasi  diartikan
sebagai  proses  morfologi  yang  berakibat  pada  perubahan  makna
dan/atau  perubahan  kategori.  Proses  infleksi  merujuk  pada  proses
morfologi  yang  berupa  afiksasi  yang  berkaitan  erat  dengan  penjamakan,
penanda perubahan  tenses, dan kepemilikan. Berikut disampaikan contoh
penerapan teknik ini.
In  the  first  place,  with  the  rapid  (1)  development  of  science  and
technology,  work  today  is  more  demanding  than  it  used  to  be.  For
example,  college  graduates  nowadays  have  to  master  English,
computer science and driving skills before they can find decent (2) jobs.
People  have  to  spend  more  time  acquiring  (3)  new  techniques  and
skills.  And  their  spare  time  tends  to  be  fully  occupied  (4),  not  with
leisure (5) pursuit, but with work-related pursuits.

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bagi Mahasiswa UNY pada Tanggal 21 Maret s.d. 21 April 2013

Verb  Noun  Adjective  Adverb
help  help  helpful  helpfully
comfort  comfort  comfortable  comfortably
enlarge  enlargement  large  largely
enjoy  Enjoyment  enjoyable  enjoyable
compete  competition  competitive  Competitively

Perhatikan  kata-kata  yang  dicetak  tebal  pada  teks  berikut.  Identifikasi
kata-kata sebagai hasil derivasi dan kata-kata sebagai hasil infleksi.

5.   Interpreting reference
 Teknik  ini  merujuk  pada  menemukan  acuan  atau  sumber  rujukan
kata ganti yang muncul dalam teks. Interpreting reference ini memiliki dua
sifat,  yakni  anaporik  dan  kataporik.    Dikatakan  anaporik  ketika  rujukan
atau acuan berada sebelum kata yang digantikan. Sebaliknya jika rujukan
berada  setelah  kata  yang  digantikan  disebut  kataporik.    Di  antara  dua
jenis  tersebut,  anaporik  lazim  ditemukan  dalam  berbagai  soal  yang
In the second place, competition is becoming more intense.
Many people feel anxious that they may be “laid-off” if they can’t work
as hard as others. And they also feel at a disadvantage before new
graduates. Therefore, it is understandable that people keep themselves
involved in intensely hard work in order to preserve their positions.
In my opinion, the worst aspect of this phenomenon is that the
huge pressure of work will gradually affect people’s mental health.
Excessively hard work means that people can never get rid of the
fatigue of their work, even in their leisure time. This means that they
cannot enjoy a normal life.
In a word, in modern society overwork is stealing our leisure
time. however, I believe this problem will be settled eventually with
the development of science and technology.


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bagi Mahasiswa UNY pada Tanggal 21 Maret s.d. 21 April 2013

berkenaan  dengan  interpreting  reference.  Berikut  disampaikan  contoh
penerapan teknik ini.
Contoh 1 Carilah rujukan kata ganti yang digarisbawahi tersebut di atas.

Contoh 2 Carilah rujukan kata ganti yang digarisbawahi tersebut di atas.

6. Recognising text-organisasion
 Teknik  ini  diartikan  sebagai  salah  satuk  teknik  membaca  yang
berkenaan  dengan  pengenalan  pola  pengorganisasian  teks  atau
pengenalan  jenis-jenis  paragraf.  Teknik  ini  sangat  penting  ketika  Anda
ingin  mengenali  bagaimana  penulis  mengorganisasi  ide-idenya  dalam
suatu teks. Berikut disampaikan contoh penerapan teknik ini.
Contoh.  Perhatikan  teks  berikut  dan  tulislah  bagian-bagian  sebagai
pembentuk teks.

In my opinion, the worst aspect of this phenomenon is that the huge
pressure of work will gradually affect people’s mental health. Excessively
hard work means that people can never get rid of the fatigue of their
work, even in their leisure time. This means that they cannot enjoy a
normal life.

In a word, in modern society overwork is stealing our leisure time.
However, I believe this problem will be settled eventually with the
development of science and technology.

In  brief,  the  computer  age  has  arrived,  and  it  is  changing  our  lives.
Computers  have  made  communicating  and  doing  business  faster  and
more  convenient,  and  they  have  greatly  increased  our  access  to
information.  Just  as  the  invention  of  automobiles  had  an  unplanned
consequence-the  growth  of  suburbs-so  will  the  invention  of  personal
computers.  We  will  have  to  wait  and  see  what  these  unintentional
consequences will be.


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bagi Mahasiswa UNY pada Tanggal 21 Maret s.d. 21 April 2013

Main Idea  
Supporting Detail 1  
Sub-supporting Details  
Supporting Detail 1  
Sub-supporting Details  
Concluding Sentence  

7. Inferencing
 Jenis  teknik  membaca  ini  berkenaan  dengan  melakukan
penyimpulan  berdasarkan  informasi  yang  diperoleh  dari  teks  yang
dibaca. Berikut disampaikan contoh penerapan teknik ini.


There  are  three  reasons  why  Canada  is  one  of  the  best  countries  in
the  world.  First,  Canada  has  an  excellent  health  care  system.  All
Canadians  have  access  to  medical  services  at  a  reasonable  price.
Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by
well-trained  teachers  and  are  encouraged  to  continue  studying  at
university.  Finally,  Canada's  cities  are  clean  and  efficiently  managed.
Canadian  cities  have  many  parks  and  lots  of  space  for  people  to  live.
As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.

The term “neon light” was originally applied to a particular type
of  vapor  lamp  using  the  inert  gas  neon.  A  long  tube  was  filied  with
neon,  which  then  became  luminous  at  low  pressure  when  an  electric
current was passed through it. The lamp then emitted the characteristic
reddish-orange light of neon. Today, the term “neon light” is gievn to
lamps  of  this  general  type  that  may  be  filled  with  a  vareity  of  gasses,
depending  on  the  color  that  is  desired.  Argon,  for  example,  is  used  to
produce blue light.
Color can also be altered by changing the color of the glass blue.
The tubes must be quite long in all these lamps  to light efficiently. As a
result,  high  voltages  are  required.  Neon  tube  lamps  are  not  practical
for indoor ilumination, but they have found widespread outdoor use in
glowing, colourful advertising signs.

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Tulislah BENAR  jika  pernyataan merupakan kesimpulan yang valid, dan
tulislah SALAH jika pernyataan merupakan kesimpulan yang tidak valid.

No.  Pernyataan  Salah/Benar
1.  The inert gas neon is reddish-orange in colour.  
2.  The  meaning  of  the  term  “neon  light”  has
changed over time.

3.  Today’s neon lights never actually contain neon.  
4.  All  types  of  “neon  light”  work  on  the  same
general principle.

5.  When  stimulated  by  electricity,  different  types  of
gas produce different colours.

6.  Modern “neon light” are more efficient than those
used in the past.

7.  The  primary  market  for  neon  lights  is  business
rather than private household.

C. Penutup
Mengaju  pada  ulasan  tersebut  di  atas,  strategi  membaca  merupakan  hal
yang penting untuk dikuasai jika Anda ingin meningkatkan kemampuan
memahami  teks-teks  bahasa  Inggris  sebagaimana  disampaikan  dalam
soal-soal reading comprehension yang ditemukan dalam tes TOEFL. Reading
skills  tersebut  mencakup  skimming,  scanning,  word-attack  skills,  vocabulary
building,    interpreting  reference,  and  inferencing  sebagaimana  diuaraikan
pada  pembahasan  tersebut  di  atas.  Anda  dapat  menggunakan  teknik
tersebut sesuai dengan jenis-jenis soal yang Anda hadapi.


Brown,  D.  H.  (2007).  Teaching  by  Principles:  An  Interactive  Approach  to
Language Pedagogy. White Plains: Pearson Education Company.
Hedge, T. (2008). Teaching and learning in the language classroom. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Hermida, J. (2009). The Importance of Teaching Academic Reading Skills
in First-Year University Courses. The International Journal of
Research and Review, Vol3. Retrieved on April 5,


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Hudson,  T.  (2007).  Teaching  second  language  reading.  New  York:  Oxford
University Press.
Johnson, A.P. (2008). Teaching reading and writing. New York: Rowman &
Littlefield Education.
Lenz, K. (2005). ‘An Introduction to Reading
Comprehension’, Reading Comprehension. Retrieved on 2nd
November 2012.
Margana.  (2012).  Promoting  schematic  knowledge  to  English  teachers  of
secondary  school  levels.  Proceedings  on  the  International  Seminar.
Salatiga: UKSW.
Pang, S. et al. (2003). Teaching Reading. Brussels: International Academy of
Education (IAE).


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Corruption in India
Nowadays  corruption  can  be  seen  everywhere.  It  is  like  cancer  in  public
life, which has not become so rampant and perpetuated overnight, but in
course  of  time.  A  country  where  leaders  like  Mahatma  Gandhi,  Sardar
Patel,  Lai  Bahadur  Shastri  and  Kamraj  have  taken  birth  and  led  a  value-based is now facing the problem of corruption.

When we talk of  corruption in public life, it  covers corruption in politics,
state  governments,  central  governments,  "business,  industry  and  so  on.
Public  dealing  counters  in  most  all  government  offices  are  the  places
where corruption most evident. If anybody does not pay for the work it is
sure  work  won't  be  done.  People  have  grown  insatiable  appetite  for
money in them and they can go to any extent to get money. Undoubtedly
they talk of morality and the importance of value-based life but that is for
outer  show.  Their  inner  voice  is  something  else.  It  is  always  crying  for
money.  It  has  been  seen  the  officers  who  are  deputed  to  look  into  the
matters  of  corruption turn  out  to  be  corrupt.  Our  leaders  too  are  not  less
corrupt.  Thus  the  network  of  corruption  goes  on  as  usual  and  remains
undeterred.  Added  to  this,  corruption  is  seen  even  in  the  recruitment
department  where  appointments  are  ensured  through  reliable  middle
agencies.  Nexus  between  politicians  and  bureaucrats  works  in  a  very
sophisticated manner. Nexus does also exist between criminals and police.

Everybody knows that criminals have no morals, hence nothing good can
we expect from them. In this matter, police are supposed to be the symbol
of  law  and  order  and  discipline.  Even  they  are  indulged  in  corruption.
This  is  more  so  because  they  enjoy  unlimited  powers  and  there  is  no
action  against  them  even  on  complaints  and  sufficient  proof  of  abuse  of
office atrocities and high handedness. Also, corruption can be need-based
or  greed-based.  Better  governance  can  at  least  help  to  check  need-based
corruption.  Better  governance  can  check  greed  based  corruption  also
because punishment for the corrupt will be very effective and prompt in a
better-governed country.

The  steps  should  be  taken  to  correct  the  situation  overall.  Declarations  of
property  and  assets  of  the  government  employees  are  made  compulsory
and  routine  and  surprise  inspections  and  raids  be  conducted  at  certain
intervals. Though it seems very difficult to control corruption but it is not
impossible. It is not only the responsibility of the government but ours too.

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We  can  eliminate  corruption  if  there  will  be  joint  effort.  We  must  have
some  high  principles  to  follow  so  that  we  may  be  models  for  the  coming
generation.  Let  us  take  a  view  to  create  an  atmosphere  free  from
corruption. That will be our highest achievement as human beings.
1. What is the communicative function of the text above?
A. To popularize the problem of corruption
B. To discuss corruption in politics
C. To overcome the corruption problem
D. To create an atmosphere free from corruption.

2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Corruption practices appear in public
B. Their inner is something else.
C. Our leaders too are not less corrupt.
D. Nexus exist between criminals and police..
3. The corruption mostly occurs in ….
A. public life
B. government offices
C. central government
D. state government
4.  The  pronoun  they  in …they  can  go  to  any  extent to get money…   line  9
refers to ….
A. officers
B. leaders
C. corruptors
D. politicians
5. The word Undoubtedly in line 9 is closest in meaning to ….
A. honestly
B. fortunately
C. indisputably
D. unfortunately
6. The word undeterred in line 13  means …
A. undiscouraged
B. uncontrolled
C. dismissed
D. unachieved
7. The word nexus in line 14  is closest in meaning to .…
A. network
B. union
C. interaction
D. communication


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8. What do police represent?
A. Corruption, criminals, law.
B. Discipline, law, and order.
C. Power, criminals, bandit.
D. Law, power, and order.
9.  According  to  the  passage,  why  do  police  tend  to  be  indulged  in
corruption practices?  
A. Having low salary.
B. Fulfilling their family needs.
C. Being fond of infinite powers
D. Being their characteristics.
10. According to the passage, what is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The steps should be taken to correct the situation overall.
B. it seems very difficult to control corruption
C. That will be our highest achievement as human beings
D. There are efforts to eliminate the corruption practices.

History of The Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty National Monument officially celebrated her 100th
birthday on October 28, 1986. The people of France gave the Statue to the
people of the United States over one hundred years ago in recognition of
the  friendship  established  during  the  American  Revolution.  Over  the
years,  the  Statue  of  Liberty's  symbolism  has  grown  to  include  freedom
and democracy as well as this international friendship.

Sculptor  Frederic  Auguste  Bartholdi  was  commissioned  to  design  a
sculpture  with  the  year  1876  in  mind  for  completion,  to  commemorate
the centennial of the  American Declaration  of Independence. The  Statue
was  a  joint  effort  between  America  and  France  and  it  was  agreed  upon
that  the  American  people  were  to  build  the  pedestal,  and  the  French
people  were  responsible  for  the  Statue  and  its  assembly  here  in  the
United States. However, lack of funds was a problem on both sides of the
Atlantic  Ocean.  In  France,  public  fees,  various  forms  of  entertainment,
and a lottery were among the methods used to raise funds. In the United
States, benefit theatrical events, art exhibitions, auctions and prize fights
assisted in providing needed funds.

Meanwhile in France, Bartholdi required the assistance of an engineer to
address structural issues associated with designing such a colossal copper
sculpture.  Alexandre  Gustave  Eiffel  (designer  of  the  Eiffel  Tower)  was

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commissioned  to  design  the  massive  iron  pylon  and  secondary  skeletal
framework  which  allows  the  Statue's  copper  skin  to  move  independently
yet  stand  upright.  Back  in  America,  fund  raising  for  the  pedestal  was
going particularly slowly, so Joseph Pulitzer (noted for the Pulitzer Prize)
opened  up  the  editorial  pages  of  his  newspaper,  "The  World"  to  support
the  fund  raising  effort.  Pulitzer  used  his  newspaper  to  criticize  both  the
rich  who  had  failed  to  finance  the  pedestal  construction  and  the  middle
class  who  were  content  to  rely  upon  the  wealthy  to  provide  the  funds.
Pulitzer's  campaign  of  harsh  criticism  was  successful  in  motivating  the
people of America to donate.

Financing  for  the  pedestal  was  completed  in  August  1885,  and  pedestal
construction  was  finished  in  April  of  1886.  The  Statue  was  completed  in
France  in  July,  1884  and  arrived  in  New  York  Harbor  in  June  of  1885  on
board  the  French  frigate  "Isere"  which  transported  the  Statue  of  Liberty
from France to the United States. In transit, the Statue was reduced to 350
individual  pieces  and  packed  in  214  crates.  The  Statue  was  re-assembled
on  her  new  pedestal  in  four  months  time.  On  October  28th  1886,  the
dedication  of  the  Statue  of  Liberty  took  place  in  front  of  thousands  of
spectators. She was a centennial gift ten years late.

The  story  of  the  Statue  of  Liberty  and  her  island  has  been  one  of  change.
The Statue was placed upon a granite pedestal inside the courtyard of the
star-shaped walls of Fort Wood (which had been completed for the War of
1812.)  The  United  States  Lighthouse  Board  had  responsibility  for  the
operation  of  the  Statue  of  Liberty  until  1901.  After  1901,  the  care  and
operation  of  the  Statue  was  placed  under  the  War  Department.  A
Presidential  Proclamation  declared  Fort  Wood  (and  the  Statue  of  Liberty
within  it)  a  National  Monument  on  October  15th,  1924  and  the
monument's boundary was set at the outer edge of Fort Wood. In 1933, the
care and administration of the National Monument was transferred to the
National Park Service. On September 7, 1937, jurisdiction was enlarged to
encompass  all  of  Bedloe's  Island  and  in  1956,  the  island's  name  was
changed  to  Liberty  Island.  On  May  11,  1965,  Ellis  Island  was  also
transferred to  the  National  Park  Service  and became  part  of the  Statue  of
Liberty  National  Monument.  In  May  of  1982,  President  Ronald  Reagan
appointed  Lee  Iacocca  to  head  up  a  private  sector  effort  to  restore  the
Statue of Liberty. Fundraising began for the $87 million restoration under
a  public/private  partnership  between  the  National  Park  Service  and  The
Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc., to date the most successful
public-private partnership in American history. In 1984, at the start of the
Statue's restoration, the United Nations designated the Statue of Liberty as

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a World Heritage Site. On July 5, 1986 the newly restored Statue re-opened
to the public during Liberty Weekend, which celebrated her centennial.
11. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The America revolution symbolism.
B. The history of the Statue of the Liberty.
C. The international friendship
D. The relationship between France and America.
12. For what purpose was the statue of the liberty made?
A. Art exhibitions.
B. Friendship.
C. War.
D. The American revolution.
13. What does the statue of the liberty symbolize?
A. Cooperation, entertainment, and freedom.
B. Democracy, freedom, and entertainment.
C. Friendship, freedom, and democracy
D. Revolution, freedom, and democracy.
14. Which of the following does NOT include the efforts to raise funds of
making the statue in France?
A. A variety of forms of entertainment
B. Public fees
C. Benefit theatrical events
D. Lottery
15. Who designed the massive iron pylon of the statue of the liberty?
A. Alaexandre Gustave Eiffel
B. Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
C. Joseph Pulitzer
D. Lee Iacocca
16. The word harsh in line 24 is closest in meaning to .…
A. kind
B. theatrical
C. sophisticated
D. severe
17. The word pedestal  line 25  is closest in meaning to ….
A. a skeleton
B. a frame  
C. a base
D. a pedal
18. When was the statue of the Liberty finalized?
A. In July of 1884
B. In June of 1885
C. In April of 1886

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D. In October of 1886

19. The word centennial  in line 31 is closest in meaning to …
A. Unexpected.
B. Useless.
C. Priceless.
D. Valuable
20.  What  department  took  responsibility  of  the  care  and  operation  of  the
statue before 1933?
A. The National Park Services Department.
B. The War Department.
C. The National Monument.
D. The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.

What is HIV/AIDS?
Acquired  immune  deficiency  syndrome  or  acquired  immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the
human  immunodeficiency  virus  (HIV).This  condition  progressively
reduces  the  effectiveness  of  the  immune  system  and  leaves  individuals
susceptible  to  opportunistic  infections  and  tumors.  HIV  is  transmitted
through  direct  contact  of  a  mucous  membrane  or the  bloodstream  with  a
bodily  fluid  containing  HIV,  such  as  blood,  semen,  vaginal  fluid,  pre-seminal fluid, and breast milk. AIDS is now a pandemic which commonly
exist in under developing countries as what happen in some Asian African
countries.  The  transmission  can  involve  anal,  vaginal  or  oral  sex,  blood
transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother
and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or other exposure to
one of the above bodily fluids.
AIDS  was  first  recognized  by  the  U.S.  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and
Prevention  in  1981  and  its  cause,  HIV,  identified  in  the  early  1980s.  A
retrovirus,  the  Human  Immunodeficiency  Virus  (HIV)  was  identified  in
1983  as  the  pathogen  responsible  for  the  Acquired  Immunodeficiency
Syndrome  (AIDS).  AIDS  is  characterized  by  changes  in  the  population  of
T-cell lymphocytes that play a key role in the immune defence system. In
the  infected  individual,  the  virus  causes  a  depletion  of  T-cells, called “T-helper cells”, which leaves these patients susceptible to opportunistic
infections,  and  certain  malignancies.  Credit:  CDC/  C.  Goldsmith,  P.
Feorino,  E.  L.  Palmer,  W.  R.  McManusThe  AIDS  pandemic  can  also  be
seen  as  several  epidemics  of  separate  subtypes;  the  major  factors  in  its

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spread  are  sexual  transmission  and  vertical  transmission  from  mother  to
child at birth and through breast milk.

So  far,  there  is  currently  no  vaccine  or  cure.  Antiretroviral  treatment
reduces  both  the  mortality  and  the  morbidity  of  HIV  infection,  but  these
drugs are expensive and routine access to antiretroviral medication is not
available  in  all  countries.  Due  to  the  difficulty  in  treating  HIV  infection,
preventing infection is a key aim in  controlling the AIDS pandemic, with
health  organizations  promoting  safe  sex  and  needle-exchange
programmes in attempts to slow the spread of the virus.

Globally,  an  estimated  33.2 million  people  lived  with  HIV  in  2007,
including  2.5 million  children.  An  estimated  2.5  million  (range  1.8–
4.1 million)  people  were  newly  infected  in  2007,  including  420,000
children.  South  &  South  East  Asia  are  second  worst  affected;  in  2007  this
region contained an estimated 18% of all people living with AIDS, and an
estimated 300,000 deaths from AIDS. In the United States, young African-American women are also at unusually high risk for HIV infection. This is
due in part to a lack of information about AIDS and a perception that they
are not vulnerable, as well as to limited access to health-care resources and
a  higher  likelihood  of  sexual  contact  with  at-risk  male  sexual  partners.
There  are  also  geographic  disparities  in  AIDS  prevalence  in  the  United
States, where it is most common in rural areas and in the southern states,
particularly  in  the  Appalachian  and  Mississippi  Delta  regions  and  along
the border with Mexico.
21. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The America revolution symbolism.
B. The history of the Statue of the Liberty.
C. The international friendship
D. The relationship between France and America.

22. For what purpose was the statue of the liberty made?
A. Art exhibitions.
B. Friendship.
C. War.
D. The American revolution.
23. What does the statue of the liberty symbolize?
A. Cooperation, entertainment, and freedom.
B. Democracy, freedom, and entertainment.
C. Friendship, freedom, and democracy
D. Revolution, freedom, and democracy.


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24. Which of the following does NOT include the efforts to raise funds of
making the statue in France?
A. A variety of forms of entertainment
B. Public fees
C. Benefit theatrical events
D. Lottery
25. Who designed the massive iron pylon of the statue of the liberty?
A. Alaexandre Gustave Eiffel
B. Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
C. Joseph Pulitzer
D. Lee Iacocca
26. The word harsh in line 24 is closest in meaning to .…
A. kind
B. theatrical
C. sophisticated
D. severe
27. The word pedestal  line 25  is closest in meaning to ….
A. a skeleton
B. a frame  
C. a base
D. a pedal

28. When was the statue of the Liberty finalized?
A. In July of 1884
B. In June of 1885
C. In April of 1886
D. In October of 1886
29. The word centennial  in line 31 is closest in meaning to …
A. Unexpected.
B. Useless.
C. Priceless.
D. Valuable
30.  What  department  took  responsibility  of  the  care  and  operation  of  the
statue before 1933?
A. The National Park Services Department.
B. The War Department.
C. The National Monument.
D. The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.